University considers expanding student-athlete protections

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) The University of California's governing board is considering a policy that would nearly triple the number of student-athletes who would be guaranteed financial aid to continue their studies in the event of a career-ending sports injury.
The proposal scheduled to be voted on Wednesday came from a working group of UC athletic directors tasked with making recommendations for improving the well-being of students who participate in intercollegiate sports.
Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom's office, which participated in the discussions, says the policy extends to students attending UC's Davis, Irvine, Riverside, Santa Barbara and San Diego campuses on athletic scholarships the same protections that a 2012 state law provided to student-athletes at UC Berkeley and UCLA.
Newsom's office says the university awarded 2,686 athletic scholarships last year, 968 of them to students at Berkeley and UCLA.