Thursday's A.M. Hot Clicks: Tiffany Toth; World's Biggest David Beckham Fan is Scary

One Way To Spend $26,000

David Beckham is a very handsome man. We can all agree on that, right? This guy spent $26,000 on plastic surgery so he could look like David Beckham. It didn't work.
When Two Teams Win One Baseball Game
Mark Teixeira hit a grand slam in the bottom of the ninth Wednesday to lead the Yankees past the Red Sox, who retreated to the locker room and celebrated like a bunch of maniacs. Turns out they had clinched the AL East before the game ended so they didn't seem too bothered by the loss to New York. Meanwhile, I still can't get over the Yankees fan who botched his engagement proposal Tuesday night.
Who Wants a Deep-Fried Football Helmet?
Tiffany Toth: Lovely Lady of the Day
Tiffany Toth and I have become email buddies, so when she told me about her new keyboard app, "Sexymoji by Tiffany Toth," I had to let the world know. She is today's LLOD (click for full-size gallery).

Good Story With a Happy Ending
Earlier this month a video surfaced of a teacher receiving a pair of Air Jordans from one of his students. Nike saw the video and sent the student a free pair of Jordans for his good deed.
Eight Meanest Things Kevin Garnett Ever Said
The Tim Duncan comment is just flat-out mean.
Roommate DRAMA at Penn State
Freshman roommate fights are quite interesting in the age of social media.
Potheads in Colorado: Making a Difference!
Colorado is using its extra marijuana revenue to prevent bullying in schools.
Happy Birthday, Anderson Varejao
? Custom Varejao birthday cake! ?
— SB Nation (@SBNation) September 29, 2016
? ig/andersonvarejao18
Tribute to Prince
The @minnesotalynx paying tribute to the late and great @prince tonight with their #WNBAKicks
— WNBA (@WNBA) September 28, 2016
Smart Kid
can't trust any girls so i decided to ask myself to homecoming:))) (i said yes)
— joe larue (@joe_larue6) September 26, 2016
Odds & Ends
These are some very bad NFL shirts ... Looks like Joe Biden is in a love triangle with Carson Wentz ... You'll likely never get high with Adrian Peterson so enjoy this footage instead ... 26 crazy pictures of micro-apartments around the world ... Always fun when news anchors get the giggles ... Can your Wi-Fi signal give you cancer?
Happy Birthday, Kevin Durant
The Most Entertaining Thing in Pro Wrestling
Matt and Jeff Hardy are the greatest thing in wrestling right now. We have a really good interview with them you should read. If you haven't been keeping track, I urge you to watch this video.
Wish I Could Juggle
Lie-Witness News: Pre-Debate Edition
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