Three dead in yacht racing boat accident

Three dead in yacht racing boat accident

Published Apr. 29, 2012 4:28 p.m. ET

For the second time in a month, sailboat crew members have died while racing off the California coast.

Two weeks ago, five died when their 38-foot boat was swamped by two
waves near the Farallon Islands, 27 miles from San Francisco.

And now, four crew members are believed to have been killed when
their 37-foot-boat disappeared Saturday on a race between Newport Beach
and Ensenada, Mexico. The regatta sponsors believe the sailboat collided
with a "much larger vessel" although the U.S. Coast Guard has yet to
determine a cause.

But despite these two tragedies, statistics kept by the Coast Guard
indicate that even though the waters off the West Coast are heavily
used by recreational boaters, merchant ships and U.S. Navy vessels,
accidents are exceedingly rare.

In 2010, the last year for which statistics were available, there
were six accidents involving recreational boaters reported to the Coast
Guard three miles or more into the Pacific Ocean -- with only one
fatality. By comparison, there were 18 accidents in the Atlantic.

Sailboat accidents are similarly rare, according to the same report,
with eight deaths reported nationwide in 2010. Racing deaths, regardless
of the kind of boat, are also rare. Two deaths and 19 injuries were
reported nationwide in 2010.

By comparison, there were 10 deaths of kayakers and more than 300 in motorboat accidents nationwide.

The Coast Guard report suggests that one reason ocean accidents are
rare is that crew members of power boats or sailboats who venture in the
ocean are more likely to take safety courses. Statistics indicate a
preponderance of fatal accidents of all kinds involve people who have
little or no safety training.

A spokesman for the Coast Guard said the agency urges all boaters to
file a "float plan" with a family member, neighbor, marine operator or
park ranger. Details can be found at

The three most common causes nationwide for fatalities among
recreational boaters are alcohol, hazardous waters and operator
inattention, according to the Coast Guard.

For the Newport-to-Ensenada race, organizers kept track of the
200-plus boats with an online tracking system. The Aegean disappeared
about 1:30 a.m. Saturday.

Saturday afternoon, three bodies were found amid a debris field near
the sparsely populated Coronado Islands about 15 miles south of San
Diego. The yacht's transom was found floating. On Sunday, the Coast
Guard and Mexican navy continued to search for a fourth crew member.

The fatalities are the first ever recorded in the 65 years that the
annual Newport-to-Ensenada race has been run, race organizers said.
