Teabagging Victim, Garrison Stamp, Files Lawsuit Against Krystal, Teabagger

Teabagging Victim, Garrison Stamp, Files Lawsuit Against Krystal, Teabagger

Published May. 4, 2012 1:00 a.m. ET

Okay, OKTC readers, it's Friday at noon and I know many of y'all are ready to bail for the weekend. 

But, first, homework assignment. 

Remember the LSU fan who was teabagged? Per tips, he's filed a civil lawsuit in New Orleans, Louisiana state court. 

His name? Garrison Stamp.


Which, somehow, is the exact name you would expect for this guy to have. 

Here are the particulars of the lawsuit:

Garrison Stamp


Brian Downing; The Krystal Company; Big Easy Enterprises LLC

5/3/2012 2012-04403 A

(New Orleans)

Lawsuit for premises liability and battery. In January, the plaintiff was at the Krystal Burger restaurant on Bourbon Street and was incapacitated. While he was incapacitated, defendant Downing exposed his genitals and engaged in a number of lewd acts, including touching the plaintiff with his genitals and simulating sex acts upon plaintiff while touching plaintiff with his exposed genitals, also known as "tea bagging." Then Downing posted a video of the incident on YouTube. The employees at Krystal Company ignored the incident.

Who can pull the lawsuit first and email it to OKTC?

Yes, this is a teabagging homework assignment. 

If for some reason you don't recall the LSU-Alabama teabagging incident. 

You can read all about it here.  

This case can only end with OKTC on the witness stand. 
