Take the quiz: Real sports story, or Onion article?

Most of our days, if not our entire existences, are devoted to watching sports, writing about sports and thinking about sports.
Part of the appeal is that just when you think you’ve seen or read it all, something else incredible or completely outlandish happens in the world of sports. Recently, one of these such headlines popped up. It's hard to believe, and it appears among the items below.
The headlines you see below are either real, or were part of the satirical news site The Onion. The answer key is at the bottom with a link to each source story.
When you're done, tell us how many you got correct on Twitter @TheBuzzeronFox and join us on Facebook. And then pray for humanity. Ready?
1. Real Madrid Signs 7-Year-Old Argentinian Prospect
2. Redskins Suing 5 Native Americans Offended By Team Name
3. Blake Griffin Caught Plagiarizing Dunks
4. Scientists Believe Hockey Players May Communicate By Banging Sticks Against Boards
5. Heat Surprised It Took 4 Games To Beat Bucks
6. Urban Outfitters Features "Vintage" Red-Stained Kent State Sweatshirt
7. Girl With A Basketball For A Body Triumphs Against The Odds
8. Tim Duncan Offers To Drive NBA Players To Polling Place On Election Day
9. Kobe Bryant Blasts Teammates For Failure To Criticize Pau Gasol
10. You Are More Likely To Be Bitten by Luis Suarez (1 in 2,000) Than A Shark (1 in 3,700,000)
11. Chicago Bulls Fan Sues Derrick Rose, Blames Being Obese, Depressed On Athlete's Injury
12. MMA Fighter Who Ripped Friend's Heart Out And Cooked It Pleads Guilty to Murder
13. Alabama Fan Who Poisoned Auburn's Trees Was Beaten Unconscious After Leaving A Court Hearing
14. Oscar Pistorius May Be Forced To Stay In Jail Because He Has No Ankles For Electronic Tag
15. Bears GM Hoping To Motivate Jay Cutler With More Guaranteed Money
16. Stanley Cup Shot 11 Times During Chicago Blackhawks Victory Parade
17. Star Rugby Player Quits Team After Sex With Dog
18. Lifting of Witchdoctor Curse Credited With Soccer Team's Win
19. High School Quarterback Starting To Suspect Friendship With Nick Saban Founded On Ulterior Motives

Head coach Nick Saban of the Alabama Crimson Tide.
20. Kings' Forward Injures Himself While Eating A Stack Of Delicious Pancakes
21. Bugs Help Tribe Rally To Win In 11, Take 2-0 Lead
22. Aaron Hernandez's Tattoos May Contain Clues To Murders
23. John Tortorella Pacing Around Penn Station Screaming At Total Strangers To Clear Puck Into Neutral Zone
24. Friends, Family Say Derrick Rose Hasn't Said Single Word In Past 17 Days
1. Real.
2. Real.
4. Onion.
6. Real.
8. Onion.
9. Onion.
12. Real.
15. Onion.
16. Onion.
21. Real.