Switzer compares Manziel to 'The Boz'

Switzer compares Manziel to 'The Boz'

Published Sep. 5, 2013 9:36 p.m. ET

Wednesday, Barry Switzer said he would have grabbed Johnny Manziel by the face mask.

Thursday, the former Oklahoma coach defended Brian Bosworth, a former Oklahoma linebacker and one of the original renegades of college football.

Switzer was a guest on "Casillas and Company," a sports talk show on 107.7 FM in Oklahoma City. It is hosted by Tony Casillas,  former Oklahoma defensive tackle who also played for the Dallas Cowboys.

"He was part of an '84 defense that you were a part of," Switzer said. "Great defense, won the Big 8 Conference championship. Well, all of the sudden, he makes a name for himself because he wins the Butkus Award, then "The Boz" is born, the media helped create "The Boz."

"Brian Bosworth graduated in three-and-a-half years, he was Dean's list every semester, had a 3.5, started on his masters, never was a DUI, never was drunk, never was arrested, didn't do drugs, didn't do anything that reflected on team other than being a great player on the field. But he danced for the media. He said outlandish things."

Casillas disagreed.

"I remember I played with Brian Bosworth," Casillas said, "and there was a lot of times that I really felt like there had been a situation where either an assistant coach or head coach could've filtered him because he was out of hand," Casillas said. "I look back and the guys like that, for me I think he was a bigger jerk than Johnny Manziel. I knew he was."

"He did things," he continued. "He wasn't getting arrested, but I really felt like there had been a time and place where a guy like him, you should've taken his facemask and said, 'Hey, you're a cancer to this team and your teammates and, not unimportantly, the coaches (and) the university.'''

Switzer made his comments about Manziel Wednesday to Colin Cowherd on, "The Herd," an ESPN radio show.

Follow Andrew Gilman on Twitter: @andrewgilmanOK
