Street near Madison Square Garden becomes Muhammad Ali Way

NEW YORK (AP) A length of street next to New York's Madison Square Garden is being temporarily renamed Muhammad Ali Way to honor the boxing legend, who died last week.
Mayor Bill de Blasio (dih BLAH'-zee-oh) announced Tuesday that West 33rd Street adjacent to the arena will be temporarily named for Ali. The Democratic mayor says Ali ''never backed down from a fight in or outside the ring.''
The 74-year-old three-time heavyweight champion was from Louisville, Kentucky. He died Friday in Phoenix.
Ali fought eight times at the Garden. The most famous bout was the Fight of the Century against Joe Frazier in 1971.
Temporary street signs are posted for a few days.
A public plaza near Madison Square Garden was given the permanent designation Joe Louis Plaza in 1984.
Louis was another legendary fighter. He died in 1981.