Sports world reacts to Supreme Court gay marriage ruling

Some reaction in sports on Twitter to the Supreme Court's decision that same-sex couples have a right to marry anywhere in the United States:
''Happy doesn't even come close to how I feel! Proud of my country today & will try and make you all proud of us!!! (hash)USA'' - soccer's Abby Wambach.
''Equality For All!'' - tennis great Billie Jean King.
''What a day to celebrate! Today also happens to be my parents' 39th wedding anniversary! Congrats to all who celebrate (hash)love. (hash)LoveWins.'' - basketball's Jason Collins.
''This could be the best pride month ever! Thank you to the selfless individuals that made today possible.'' - soccer's Robbie Rogers.
''What an amazing day for our country. So happy for all the people who can now live their lives the way they want to.'' - soccer's Landon Donovan.
''Next up are the laws allowing firing based on sexuality, and trans rights. Still a ways to go, but this is a great milestone.'' - football's Chris Kluwe.
''GAY MARRIAGE LEGALIZED NATIONWIDE- well done court, meantime Scalia is even more disgraceful than I thought possible.'' - tennis great Martina Navratilova.
''In 1967, interracial marriages were legalized. If that had not happened, my wife and I would not be able to in union. Love should ALWAYS win.'' - baseball's Dexter Fowler.
''Love conquers all! (hash)SameSexMarriage finally legal in all 50 States! I'm so happy for the (hash)LGBTCommunity! Thank you (hash)SCOTUS (hash)LoveIsInTheAir.'' - basketball's Kenneth Faried.
''I guess this means I'm gonna have to buy suits for more weddings! Congrats America.'' - wrestling's Corey Graves.