South Africa tries to beautify streets before World Cup

South Africa tries to beautify streets before World Cup

Published Apr. 25, 2010 1:00 a.m. ET

South Africa's ruling African National Congress (ANC) party is hiring a militia to raze migrant shacks in order to "beautify" cities in time for the World Cup soccer tournament, The (London) Sunday Times reported.

The Red Ants, described as state-sponsored mercenaries by their critics, became a growing force over the past few months as South Africa prepares for the World Cup, beginning in June.

This means clearing away unsightly immigrant squatter camps.

This month, more than 100 Zimbabweans were beaten and evicted by Red Ants from a derelict building on the main road to Ellis Park stadium in Johannesburg, one of the tournament’s main venues.

It followed a series of Red Ant evictions ordered by the provincial department of public transport along main roads within a mile of the stadium, which will host five matches.

Hundreds more Zimbabweans were forcibly evicted from properties in central Johannesburg.

Red Ants also flattened more than 100 shacks within a two-mile radius of the Mbombela stadium, near the Kruger National Park. Most of those evicted were Zimbabwean.

Human rights groups warned of a return to the xenophobic violence that led to the deaths of dozens of immigrants during township riots in 2008.

According to Braam Hanekom, chairman of Passop, a refugee rights charity based in Cape Town, the Red Ants are doing the government’s dirty work.

“They are essentially a militia that ruthlessly and forcefully displaces people from their shelters under government instructions,” he said. “They are notorious for their brutal and violent approach towards the poor.”

The ANC regards beautification as a policy that extends beyond the building of new stadiums, roads and airports. It sees the World Cup as an opportunity to showcase its achievements since it came to power 16 years ago.
