Should We Induct Cate Blanchett's Husband, Andrew Upton, To the Outkick Hall of Fame?

We have a big decision this morning -- should we induct Andrew Upton, Cate Blanchett's husband, into the Outkick the Coverage Hall of Fame?
So far we have only six inductees: you can check them all out here.
Upton, who is a playright from Australia, has been married to Blanchett since 1997 and the couple have three sons. During last night's Oscar acceptance speech, Blanchett referred to her husband as a "legend," which made most of you recognize a solid Outkick for the first time. It's not just that Upton's ended up with a woman much better looking than he is, he may have also married, and thrice procreated, with the greatest actress of our generation. We're talking about an incredible combination of beauty and skill here. For Upton's offspring, this is like winning the genetic lottery.
But now comes an important decision, does Upton belong in the Outkick hall of fame?
This is not some small trifle, it's forever.
For your review, here's Andrew Upton and his wife Cate Blanchett.
And one more picture for you before you vote in the comments below or on Twitter.
Okay, vote away.
Remember, this Outkick is forever, not some trifle.