Shoeless man refuses flip-flops because of Chargers logo

Stephen Felando experienced a new low as a Chargers fan when a shoeless man refused his offer of free flip-flops because they had the San Diego team's logo on them.
According to an article in the Press Democrat, Felando noticed a man huddled near the door of his Santa Rosa, Calif., restaurant one morning. Felando offered to get the man something to eat, and the man gratefully accepted.
Felando made the man a sandwich, and the man explained, "I'm headed to Mars and today I've got to get over the Calistoga Mountain." But the Northern California restauranteur noticed the man had just thin socks on his feet. No shoes.
Seeing how it would be hard to scale a mountain without proper footwear, Felando told the paper he offered the man the flip-flops from his own feet.
The man again gladly accepted the sandals before doing a double take. "Are these Chargers flip-flops?" he asked.
Felando nodded, explaining he was still an avid San Diego fan despite having moved away years ago.
The nomad handed back the shoes. "I'm good," he said, and walked off.
Everyone's got their limits.