Shaquille O'Neal explains the one (disgusting) use for a belly button

Shaquille O'Neal explains the one (disgusting) use for a belly button

Published Feb. 12, 2016 12:08 p.m. ET

TMI, Shaq. TMI.

Shaquille O'Neal was the guest for Jimmy Kimmel's "Three Ridiculous Questions" feature on Thursday. When the talk-show host asked Shaq if there was any practical use for a belly button, the future Hall of Famer replied, "TSIIS."

O'Neal then explained to Kimmel that "TSIIS" stands for To See If It Stinks.


The big guy did not stop there. He also demonstrated how this test should be done.

You can also hear Shaq answer, "If you had to eat a light bulb, how would you do it?" and "Which would be harder for you to give up: Eggs or the letter 'Q'?"
