Say What? Get answers to our sports quote quiz

Say What? Get answers to our sports quote quiz

Updated Mar. 4, 2020 7:02 p.m. ET

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OK, here we go:

1. "He was screaming so much in his Scottish accent, going grrr, grrr, grrr, that I didn't understand, but the players were clapping so they must have got it!"


Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho credits team masseur Billy McCulloch for inspiring the players ahead of a 1-0 win over Manchester City on Monday.

2. "It was pandemonium. I mean it was insanity when he scored. Picture me, my wife and my son just standing in our living room screaming at the top of our voices. (We) freaked our dogs out. What else can you do? You just scream, right?"

Troy Starr, who was the high school football coach of one Super Bowl MVP Malcolm Smith.

3. “I feel great. My objective in this whole exercise is what can we do that delights and thrills our customers. Certainly they were thrilled last night when the Seattle team won the big game.”

Furniture store owner Jim McIngvale, who ran a Super Bowl promotion that wind up costing him $7 million -- he didn't insure the promotion -- and insists he's just happy so many people got new furniture. Heck, he says he didn't even watch the game.

4. "I went into one of their group team meetings ... well, I was in a lot of meetings, and all of a sudden as I'm writing notes down, Coach called me up and we ended up having to play P-I-G in front of the whole group."

Miami Heat head coach Erik Spoelstra explained how much fun he had visiting Pete Carroll and the Seahawks before the season. No word on whether or not he won, however.

5. ''My job is to be ready to play. I remember when I was 35, everyone said that was it. He can't play anymore. End of my career. So, it's really nothing different. Eventually, somebody is going to be right, you know what I mean?''

Think Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter is tired of talking about his age or when he is ready to retire? Think his model (now ex) girlfriend did the same thing?
