Rodgers disappointed in '60 Minutes' piece

Rodgers disappointed in '60 Minutes' piece

Published Nov. 7, 2012 1:07 p.m. ET

NFL MVP Aaron Rodgers can get his 15 minutes of fame any time he wants, so it might be a while before he again gives the time of day to CBS news magazine "60 Minutes."

The show gave 11 of its 60 minutes to telling the story of the Green Bay Packers quarterback Sunday night, and Rodgers critiqued the editing of the piece somewhat harshly during his Tuesday radio show on ESPN Milwaukee.

"When you open up your life for four months and allow them to have access to your family and your friends and events, it's always interesting to see what comes out," said Rodgers, who has led the Packers to a 6-3 record this season. "I just felt like the editing of the piece could have been done in a way that was maybe a lot more respectful of myself."

A portion of the piece addressed the often-told story that Rodgers has built his career on proving his doubters wrong, and the quarterback seemed surprised that and his somewhat sensitive nature (in the piece, teammate Greg Jennings said, "You have to be careful what you say around him. He takes everything to heart.") took up such a large portion of the show's final cut.

"If I'm sensitive about anything through the whole process it's — you know they come to the (Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer) Fund event in May, which is very, very important to me, even more important considering the two boys that we lost this year to cancer.  ..." Rodgers told ESPN Milwaukee. "For them to not even show really any of the content from that night, any of the kids, to not say anything about the MACC Fund, what they do for kids with cancer, I think that was the thing that was most disappointing about the piece. They had an opportunity to do some great things and really show some things I am passionate about and didn't do that."
