Rex Ryan Tebowed In Baton Rouge

Rex Ryan Tebowed In Baton Rouge

Published Mar. 22, 2012 1:00 a.m. ET

The Rex Ryan- Tim Tebow marriage is going to be exciting as hell.

When Mark Sanchez has his first two interception game -- which will probably happen in week one -- Jets fans will scream for Tebow like wild banshees.

If the NFL hasn't already chosen a Hard Knocks location it needs to be New York again.

Can you imagine a camera on Tebow amidst one of Rex Ryan's insane expletive-filled rants?


Will Tebow wash Rex's feet after?

More alarmingly, will Rex wash Tebow's feet?

Well, it didn't take long for LSU fans to Tebow Rex Ryan.

Rex, who is like Troy Landry in that he always seems to have the same clothes on no matter where or what he's doing, got Tebowed at dinner.
