Retail fail: NFL botches its MVP’s name

Retail fail: NFL botches its MVP’s name

Published May. 30, 2012 9:59 a.m. ET

Green Bay Packers fans awoke Wednesday morning to an e-mail from tempting them to purchase one of the league's new Nike jerseys.

The league used the jersey of quarterback Aaron Rodgers, who at one time led NFL players in jersey sales, as the model for one of the NFL's most popular teams.

Should be a slam dunk to get Packers fans on board, right?

That probably won't be the case because the league misspelled its MVP's name.

Instead of the model uniform showing the correct spelling of Rodgers' last name, the jersey had "Rogers" on the back. Nobody caught that one of the league's most recognizable names was misspelled.

Later Wednesday morning, an NFL PR representative (@NFLprguy) displayed some good humor in a tweet admitting the mistake: "Thanks friens. yes, nflshop emaile a note to Packers istribution list & spelle QB's name wrong. yes we've seen iscount oublecheck as"
