Reporter narrowly escapes car crash in terrifying live TV shot
Mar. 8, 2016 3:19 p.m. ET

Nick Schwartz
Close call for @AlexSavidgeKTVU @VaughanChip this am. Everyone is ok. Thanks for all your kind thoughts❤️
— KTVU (@KTVU) March 8, 2016
KTVU reporter Alex Savidge and photographer Chip Vaughan narrowly dodged a car accident that unfolded behind them in the middle of a live shot. As Savidge was reporting on the curb of a busy street, two cars smashed into each other and veered into the parking lot where the KTVU crew was stationed.
Close Call!! Almost got hit by a car live on-air, heart still pounding.
Posted by Alex Savidge KTVU on Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Savidge jumped out of the way just in time, and posted a video to Facebook to assure viewers he wasn't harmed.
(Thanks to SI for sharing this video.)