Report: Hollywood producer gambled away millions on horse racing

The co-creator of "NYPD Blue" and other shows that earned him four Emmy awards and an estimated $100 million over his career is reportedly $17 million in debt to the IRS, at least partly due to an estimated $25 million in gambling losses on horse racing between 2000 and 2011.
A lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court is seeking damages from the business managers for David and Rita Milch. David Milch, 70, is the force behind "NYPD Blue," "Deadwood" and other storied shows. Rita, his wife, is suing the former managers for not alerting the couple to the magnitude of his losses.
The story continues and explains that Milch's wife, Rita, seeks damages from business managers Nigro Karlin Segal Feldstein & Bolno LLP.
The complaint details how Milch is now being given a meager $40 allowance by his wife, ensuring he is unable to gamble.
The couple has worked out a payment plan with the IRS to deal with the debt they incurred and have also sold one of the their properties, a house in Brentwood.
The HBO series "Luck," which was based around horse racing and gambling was a David Milch work. That show was canceled in 2012 after three horses died during filming of episodes.
Milch is currently said to be working a "Deadwood" movie for HBO.
Via the Reporter: