Rejoice! You can download college hoops teams in NBA 2K17

If you miss playing EA Sports' NCAA Basketball series or 2K's College Hoops games, a community upload has created 36 college teams and 198 players available for download in NBA 2K17.
SkillaKillz, who has been working on this since the game's release, uploaded a Youtube video in which he explains how the video games' franchise mode can be the first college basketball video game since NBA 2K8.
Watch the video below:
The user also spelled out the instructions on a forum. Here is how you can turn 2K17 into a
Step 1: Go to "MyGM/MyLeague"
Step 2: Click on "MyLeague" and press Triangle to pull up Custom Rosters
Step 3: Search username "SkillazKill" or content ID "College Roster 2K17"
Step 4: Go to "Custom League", then "Start in Regular Season"
Step 5: Setup Divisions to look like this:CollegeRosterDivisions.jpg
Step 6: Go to "Setup Options" and put in following:
Season Length: 35 Games (optional)
Quarter Length: 10 minutes (optional)
Simulated Quarter Length: 10 minutes (optional)
Normalize Played to Sim Stats/Minutes: On
Playoff (March Madness)
Rounds: 1 Game Each
League Expansion: On (13 Players) - I put 0 also, it didn't matter
Salary Cap: Off
Hard Cap: Off
Trade Logic: Off
Injuries: Off
Progressive Fatigue: Off
Gameplay Difficulty: Any
Step 7: Press Triangle to "SELECT ALL TEAMS"
Step 8: Advance
Step 9: Download team's design by going to "Team Relocation > Download Team Designs > Search Username "SkillazKill" > Click X > "See Other Designs by Creator" > Download whatever team you're on (for example, 76ers = Miami Hurricanes)
Step 10: Scroll through other teams by flicking the right analog stick right or left
Step 11: Repeat Step 9 and 10 for all teams
Step 12: Turn "Fatigue" Off in Options > Settings
Step 13: Go to "Save As" to save another file, if you'd like to play the season over again. (Optional)
The game will swap out NBA teams with college teams so unfortunately the question as to whether the Kentucky Wildcats can beat a lowly NBA team can not be answered.
This article originally appeared on