Reds managerial rumors: Non-existent mutating tweet edition

Granted, there's nothing going on in the Reds managerial search right now, but that doesn't exactly absolve the media of responsibility.

This is the point in the process where we depend on the media to regale us with idle speculation which can be mutated into fact via the internet's vast game of Telephone. How are we supposed to mutate a tweet about "Buddy Bell is not a candidate" into "David Bell stormed into Walt Jocketty's house toting a briefcase of beef jerky and demanded that he be given the job or he would eat his way to hypertension", if there's no tweet to start from. The internet needs fuel, people.
Look at the folks at Redleg Nation... they get it. When lacking actual news to blog about, they develop a "Magical Manager Search Tool" to help select the next skipper of the Reds. They're trying to move the process along. Props.
Our own Hall-of Famer Hal McCoy gives us something else to read with his analysis that we can safely count two people out of the running - Hal and Dusty Baker. That leaves 7,118,303,490 available candidates for us to stew about. Make that 7,118,303,491... 7,118,303,492...
Of those 7 billion or so, Hal thinks that plucking Bryan Price's name out of the hat wouldn't be a bad idea. He even makes a case for Paul O'Neill. Good reading, as always.
Still, we aren't left with a lot, tragically, to update our Reds managerial watch list. For easy sorting, we've broken these names down to three simple categories: Confirmed Candidates, Floated by Writers or Themselves and Out of the Running. Full updated list after the jump.
BRYAN PRICE: Current pitching coach, has reportedly been contacted about the job. John Fay considers him the frontrunner if the Reds look internally. Price says that he's interested in the job, and would probably get interest from other teams if the Reds pass. On 10/10, Ken Rosenthal mentioned him as a candidate for the Mariners job. On 10/13, John Fay argued the relative quiet in the manager search is a good sign for Price and on 10/15 admitted that no one knows if the Reds have given the Mariners permission to talk to him. On 10/16, Hal McCoy offered his support of Price.
JIM RIGGLEMAN: Manager at Triple-A Louisville and one-time Washington Nationals manager, is reportedly a confirmed candidate for the job but has not been contacted as of 10/8. Red Reporter took a look at the pros and cons of hiring Riggleman. On 10/12, Peter Gammons stated that industry types feel the decision will be to give the job to Riggleman.
BRAD AUSMUS: Floated by C. Trent Rosencrans, Ausmus is a long-time MLB catcher who hasn't managed anywhere, but is respected in league circles.
WALLY BACKMAN: Floated by John Erardi of as a potential Lou Piniella-type who has "attitude and confidence" and "something to prove".
DAVID BELL: Former manager of the Louisville Bats, who is now under contract as the third-base coach of the Cubs (although that may not last). Floated by a number of writers.
DELINO DESHIELDS: Floated by C. Trent Rosencrans. Known primarily as the second baseman on my old fantasy team, the Baked McBrides, DeShields also has supposedly played a lot of major league baseball and has climbed his way up through the managerial ranks.
KEN GRIFFEY, SR: Floated by C. Trent Rosencrans, Griffey is, well, Griffey. He's been managing Reds Bakersfield affiliate of late.
BILLY HATCHER: An an internal candidate who has not yet been contacted by the team.
DAVEY JOHNSON: Floated by Hal McCoy, Johnson is fresh off the bench in Washington, and had the honor of being fired by Marge Schott despite good performance by the Reds under his leadership.
BARRY LARKIN: Floated by just about every Reds writer, Larkin is considered considered unlikely to leave his current role. As of 10/8, Larkin had not reached out to the Reds, and already has a nice gig as a TV analyst. As of 10/10, the Reds the Reds hadn't reached out to him. Still, the Reds might not be the only team interested, as his name has also been associated with the Washington Nationals. And here's some more speculation about Larkin from the NY Daily News. On 10/10, John Fay said that Larkin is not a favorite for the job.
DAVE MARTINEZ: Floated by C. Trent Rosencrans, Martinez has had the opportunity to work next to the brilliant Joe Maddon as his bench coach. The Cubs have a definite interest in Martinez and, as of 10/15, are planning to interview him.
JOE MORGAN: Floated by Paul Daughtery, but considered unlikely to leave his current role.
PAUL O'NEILL: Talked to the Reds about the job opening. Unless, of course, he didn't. Well, maybe he did, sort of.
EDUARDO PEREZ: First floated by The Houston Chronicle, Perez is a young coach currently working for an abysmal Houston Astros franchise. He brings Cincinnati connections, and a high level of regard within MLB circles.
SCOTT ROLEN: Floated by Paul Daughtery, Rolen is already on the Reds payroll, but considered an unlikely candidatae.
CHRIS SPIER: Floated by Paul Daughtery, Spier is an internal candidate who has not yet been contacted by the team. Daughtery calls him his "dark horse candidate".
RICK SWEET: Floated by Hal McCoy, Sweet has experience with a number of the current Reds due to his serving as manager at Louisville.
MATT WILLIAMS: Floated by C. Trent Rosencrans, Williams used to hit a bunch of home runs, and currently works for the Diamondbacks as their third base coach.
TONY LARUSSA: Per the Chicago Tribune, he's not interested in the gig, despite his past history with Walt Jocketty.
LOU PINIELLA: So very much not going back into managing.