Rangers switch to keep Darvish on schedule

Rangers switch to keep Darvish on schedule

Published Apr. 17, 2012 4:26 p.m. ET

BOSTON — The Texas Rangers' off day is allowing the team to split up left-handers Derek Holland and Matt Harrison.

But pitching left-handers in consecutive games wasn't the reason for the move, keeping right-hander Yu Darvish on a regular schedule was.

"It's just so he can get used to what's expected over here," Rangers manager Ron Washington said. "We want him to get used to four days down and pitch on the fifth day. It just so happens we had to split the lefties to get it done."

Darvish will now pitch Thursday against Detroit with Matt Harrison following him Friday against the Tigers. Washington said that just because the switch has been made now doesn't mean Darvish won't get an extra day between starts on later off days, it's all about keeping him on a routine.

"This has nothing to do with how well they (Holland and Harrison) have been pitching," Washington said. "We know Harrison has been pitching well and so has Holland."

Darvish pitched every fifth day in Japan last year toward the end of the season but he normally had five days off between starts. Washington doesn't think the switch will have any impact on Darvish's ability.

"He's a horse," Washington said. "This gave us an opportunity the first time around. We had a conversation with both left-handers and made them understand our purpose. Our purpose is to keep Darvish on turn."

Harrison, who leads the starters with a 0.64 ERA, had no issues with the move.

"It's what they wanted to do so I'll be ready to take the ball on Friday and get back at it," Harrison said. "That's the way it goes. I think it's probably better. It kind of splits us up so it's probably a good thing."

Holland, who starts the series finale Wednesday against Boston, doesn't think the change will hurt a pitching staff that came into Monday with the best ERA (2.20) in the American League.

"We don't sit here and worry too much about who's throwing when and what," Holland said. "All that matters is when you get the ball you're ready to go. I know it's not going to affect Harry, Darvish or Feliz. It just comes down to when you're ready."

Moreland feeling better

First baseman Mitch Moreland wasn't in Monday's starting lineup but it had nothing to do with his tooth and everything to do with the Rangers facing left-hander Jon Lester.

Moreland, who hasn't played since Friday because of an abscessed tooth, returned to the Metroplex Monday to have work done on the tooth.

He didn't get a root canal because there was too much infection in the tooth but the pain is gone thanks to antibiotics and drilling in the tooth.

"So much better," said Moreland. "It wasn't just a toothache. My nose and underneath my eyes were swollen. I got like five, probably five hours sleep combined those two nights. It was a rough few days. I feel 100 times better right now. I'm happy to be back here and ready to go."

With Moreland not in the lineup, the Rangers used Mike Napoli at first base. Napoli is scheduled to catch the next two games, including Darvish's start Thursday in Detroit.
