Questions with Comedians: Mike Epps makes his Super Bowl pick

Questions with Comedians: Mike Epps makes his Super Bowl pick

Published Jan. 29, 2014 1:24 p.m. ET

This week's guest on Questions with Comedians is the great Mike Epps.

The diehard Indiana sports fan, who has a new movie, called "Repentance," coming out and a new comedy tour, weighs in on Peyton Manning going for another title, his least favorite athlete in sports, and what scares him.

Let's get into this.


1. Is it hard to watch Peyton Manning play for a Super Bowl with the Broncos and not the Colts?

Epps: It is, it's kind of weird but we did good this year. We were down to the last eight teams so we didn't do bad. I've got love for Peyton Manning but I think made a good decision moving on without him. You've got to feel a certain way to see your ex-QB in the Super Bowl and see him possibly win it. But I'm pretty sure all the other fans in Indianapolis were thinking of the future (when the Colts got rid of him).

2. Your spoof of Richard Sherman's post-game interview was hilarious. What did you think of his interview when you first saw it?

Epps: I couldn't believe it. It really shocked me but then I thought 'oh, this is classic. I have to spoof this.' All I saw was a dude who was really, really excited and frustrated at the same time. He just wanted to be accepted and he was not accepted. He thought he underrated and an underdog and that made him frustrated so when he won he wanted to let everyone know.

I actually think (the backlash) took the fire away from him. That was his fire. He brought fire to his team and excitement to his team.

Warning: You will hear some bad language if you press play on the video below. If you're not a fan of bad language don't press play and continue on. If you don't mind bad language then just press play and enjoy.

3. Who would you like to see perform at halftime of the Super Bowl?

Epps: Kendrick Lamar.

4. Let's say you're commissioner of the NFL for one day and get to make up or change any rule, what would it be?

Epps: I definitely would make up a rule that if you score a TD you have to give me the football. I get all the footballs after touchdowns. Nobody gets to keep a touchdown ball. Every time you score you have to carry a marker in your pocket and sign it.

5. Who is the most annoying person in sports and why?

Epps: I have to say the most annoying person in sports would be the referees who are making all of them bull--- a-- calls and picking teams.

6. Who's the sexiest professional athlete (male or female) out there today?

Epps: Skylar Diggins, but she's like a little sister to me, tho.

7. You had another funny video spoofing Justin Bieber's recent arrest. How worried are you about Bieber and his future?

Epps: I think he's all right. He's just a rich kid and has a lot coming at him at once. He just needs to know a lot of people care about him. As he gets older he's gonna have to learn how to edit himself. He just has to have the right people around him. He'll be OK. Hopefully the last couple of hangups will help him out and help him learn a lesson.

8. What is Mike Epps afraid of?

Epps: God. Because he can punish you.

9. Who is your least favorite athlete and why?

Epps: The whole Miami Heat team is my least my favorite athlete. Why? Because they keep beating my Pacers.

10. What's your Super Bowl prediction?

Epps: I think the Seahawks are gonna win a tight game. They will win by a touchdown or three points and shut Manning down with a 3-4 defense that will shake his world up.

11. Who will be the MVP of Super Bowl XLVIII?

Epps: Richard Sherman.
