Pizza Hut is giving away actual pizza to help fantasy football owners close trade deals

The folks at Pizza Hut have devised a pretty swift marketing strategy for the upcoming NFL kickoff -- a season-long "Trade Bait" promotion.
It's pretty much what it sounds like and will operate as follows:
All fantasy owners have to do is submit their trade offer and briefly explain why they need pizza to help close the deal to, and then follow the steps provided by email from Pizza Hut to enter. Each week, Pizza Hut will review submitted trade offers and select winners. Winners will be awarded online promo codes to be dangled as trade bait to their pending offers.
I've known fantasy football owners to offer actual money (tried this once) or beer and liquor (this too) but to have an actual company complicit in what amounts to fantasy football bribery is new.
"We're inviting fantasy owners from any league in America to email us their trade offer for the opportunity to add the power of pizza to their deal," said Doug Terfehr, Pizza Hut's PR director. "To be clear though, this isn't an automated program that doles out food to everyone who participates. We will review each and every submission and rule on a case-by-case basis."
Of course, in fantasy football, time is of the essence. How quickly will Pizza Hut respond to e-mails?
Terfehr is basically the commissioner and will review each request and try to respond promptly, a Pizza Hut representative told Buzzer. Based on the official rules for the program, Pizza Hut will respond to all requests within 24 hours, with many fans hearing back much sooner than that.
So, depending on the your league by-laws concerning bribery and/or pizza, this may work out well for you.
Or, you can just totally fabricate a trade and try to score a free pizza (or whatever you desire -- the gift cards are valid for all Pizza Hut menu items).
Bacon lovers probably noticed on the photo at top a few slabs of bacon adjacent to the pizza. That's not your imagination. After Labor Day, Pizza Hut will be annoucing its new menu item -- the bacon and cheese stuffed crust pizza.
Good luck to the commissioner who in week 12 has to judge the validity of LeSean McCoy plus Julio Jones for Matt Forte and bacon and a cheese stuffed crust pizza.