Paternity suit involving bullfighting legend entrances Spain

MADRID (AP) A Spanish court has held a hearing into a decades-old paternity dispute over whether two of Spain*s most well-known bullfighters - men who share the same show name ''El Cordobes'' - are really father and son.
The southern Cordoba city court on Thursday began studying the statement by Manuel Diaz, 47, that he's the son of retired bullfighting legend Manuel Benitez, 79, something the elder bullfighter has never recognized. Diaz's lawyer Fernando Osuna says the case is mere formality after a court-ordered DNA test this week proved 99.9 percent positive.
The court is expected to rule next week. Many Spaniards have long been convinced of the relationship, given the two men's likeness.
Benitez has five other children, including another bullfighter son, Julio, also known as ''El Cordobes.''