Panini subs out Hernandez stickers with Tebow

Tim Tebow may not be replacing Aaron Hernandez as a tight end for the New England Patriots. He will, however, take his former college teammates’s place in a sticker book. Actually, 500,000 places. Companies continue to scrub Aaron Herandez from association with their products. The latest is a trading card and memorabilia company named Panini, which removed more than 500,000 stickers from its books that were about to hit shelves, according to an ESPN report. So, whose face did the company replace Hernandez’s with? None other than Mr. Tebow. One million Tebow stickers were produced and will be given out during events or handed out to customers who receiver Hernandez in a pack. "We felt strongly that making these changes was the right thing to do, for Panini and our products but, more importantly, for our fans and collectors," said Jason Howarth, Panini's vice president of marketing. Panini is among other companies including EA Sports, the New England Patriots and Pro Football Hall of Fame looking to distance themselves with the former tight end.