Pam Oliver gets drilled by football, confirms she’s toughest reporter in the biz

Ross Jones, Hanging out on the sideline isn’t the safest thing to do in an NFL stadium. It seems as if every game features a sound operator, referee or lingering dude in a suit getting run over. Well, NFL on FOX sideline reporter Pam Oliver was the most recent victim on Sunday prior to the Colts-Giants preseason game, as you can see in the video above. But unlike many before her, Oliver wasn't going to let a measly football keep her from doing her job. Before the broadcast, Oliver was looking over her notes when Indianapolis Colts backup quarterback Chandler Harnish was warming up. Harnish had one sail on him and the ball hit Oliver in the face. Hey, that’s no fun. Those flying pigskins can be painful, but you have to give it to Oliver as she didn’t skip a beat and went on to do her job like a true pro. The topic came up with Colts starting quarterback Andrew Luck in a sideline interview during the game. “And thanks to you guys for hitting me in the face with a football,” Oliver jokingly said to Luck. “Oh yeah, we apologize on that,” Luck said. “We are so sorry.” Thankfully, Oliver was not hurt, and a new viral video has been born. Questions? Comments? Send them to and we might respond in our weekly mailbag!