Owner David Glass still supports Royals' skipper

Owner David Glass still supports Royals' skipper

Published Jun. 5, 2013 5:13 p.m. ET

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Royals manager Ned Yost, who has watched his team plummet from first place in the American League Central to last place in a month's time, still has the support of owner David Glass.
Glass and club president Dan Glass chatted with Yost for about 30 minutes behind the cage during early batting practice Wednesday.
The visit was not planned, nor was it meant to be a pep talk, David Glass told FOXSportsKansasCity.com.
"He doesn't need that, really," Glass said. "It's hard on all of us. No one saw this coming."
And Yost has Glass' support?
"Absolutely," Glass said. "He's a good manager and he's doing the best he can right now.  He knows infinitely more about the game and what needs to happen for us to turn this around than I do.
"Mostly, I just listened."
As frustrated as Glass has become with the team's tailspin, he indicated it was unlikely the problem would get solved by pouring more money now into the team's payroll, which has reached a club-record $81 million.
That, however, may change if the team rebounds and vaults back into contention over the next two months.
"I have a lot of confidence in these kids and they're just as anxious to turn it around as we all are," Glass said. "Then if we get it turned around and do it right, then you can look at your alternatives."
Glass said he was as stunned as everyone else by the sudden May swoon.
"It's inexplicable as far as I'm concerned," Glass said. "I've been watching baseball since the 1940s and I don't remember anything quite like this with a group of kids as talented as these kids are. But they'll get it turned around. It doesn't seem like it, but they will."
Glass said a positive first step was persuading George Brett to become the hitting coach.
"Anytime George gets involved in something, it's bound to get better because he knows what he's talking about," Glass said. "He'll make a meaningful contribution, and I know the players are excited to have him."
You can follow Jeffrey Flanagan on Twitter at @jflanagankc or email him at jeffreyflanagan6@gmail.com.
