Our best comment of the day comes from TrojanConquest

Our best comment of the day comes from TrojanConquest

Published Jun. 24, 2013 10:14 a.m. ET

Every day, we highlight one of our readers' comments - frankly, because our readers deserve to have their solid opinions heard more than once.
Today's best comment comes from TrojanConquest, who remarked on the "one-and-done" issues of college basketball, in which a player enters college for one season, then takes off for the NBA.
Here's what TrojanConquest had to say;

When is the NBA going to wake up and realize this one-and-done helps no one. Go to what baseball has: you can come out right after high school, but if you go to college you're not eligible to turn pro until after your 3rd year. If not, then the NCAA should allow players to come back to college if they don't like where they were drafted. "Where" as in position of draft, or team. This would put the power to the colleges and players, and not the NBA. An NBA team would think long and hard before drafting an underclassman.

Would this policy place an unfair rule upon the lottery teams, giving the Lakers, heat and Bulls teams an advantage with the better underclassmen?
Do you think an NFL rule would be even better (not being allowed to turn pro until three years have passed since your final high school game)?
Let us know your opinion!
