OSU Marching Band has run-in with NFL sideline reporter

The Ohio State Marching Band pulled double duty this week, performing Saturday at Ohio Stadium while the Buckeyes crushed Florida A&M 76-0 then heading south to Cincinnati for the Bengals game against Green Bay on Sunday.
They saw more action Sunday, and we don't mean just on the field.
Sure, TBDBITL got to watch a thrilling back-and-forth NFL game eventually won by the Bengals 34-30 on a fumble return for a touchdown, but the band also made headlines of its own by barging in on FOX Sports' Pam Oliver as she gave a pregame report.
Oliver looked surprised, but maybe she shouldn't have been. After all, this was not the first time the Pride of the Buckeyes had a run-in with a member of a football broadcast crew.
An ESPN cameraman learned the hard way what happens when you get to close to the action in 2009 when USC visited Ohio State.