Oklahoma LB Striker loves Adele's new song

Eric Striker really likes Adele's new song.
The Oklahoma linebacker likes it so much he spent a good portion of his question and answer session with the media on Tuesday talking about it.
Here's what he had to say, courtesy of The Oklahoman.
"Have you all heard "Hello" by Adele? Who's heard it? Ain't it good? It's a beautiful song. What I like about it ... the instruments, right? The instruments are beautiful and then she puts her voice on it. Her voice is really beautiful. We live in this world where sometimes, it's the guy who always hurts the female, but she's admitting that she hurt her lover. That's what I really like about it. The ladies hurt us too, right fellas?
The music video's even better. It's showing the face of America, right? The interracial couple. I thought that was beautiful. A white lady and a black guy. It's just the face of America. We need to do a better job of that.
There's nobody here that's pure. I'm not a pure African-American. Everybody's got a little something else in them, right? It's important that we show the face of America. America is transforming. That's probably gonna be the first book I ever write. The title's gonna be, 'The Face of America.'"
Striker went on to say he's not much of a singer and he doesn't listen to Adele to get pumped up before games.
"Ive got DMX," Striker said to The Oklahoman. "I like DMX. It'll get you going. I've got Eminem. Eminem is probably what I play the most, to be honest. I mix Jay-Z in there, some of his hype stuff. A lot of the typical crunk, hype songs.
(Eminem has) got a lot of good stuff. If you're about to go crazy, if you wanna go crazy, he'll get you to that point. When you have no mind, you know what I mean? It's good to listen to him before a game."