Ohio Supreme Court: tOSU has done enough

In a battle that has been ongoing, Ohio State wins one over the snooping eyes at ESPN.
A quick summary - ESPN has been using the court system to obtain records of student-athletes at Ohio State since the issues arose with Jim Tressel and the tattoo parlor debacle. Ohio State has been claiming they have the right to protect their students privacy and has refused to submit to all of ESPN's requests.
Sidebar - still no requests have been submitted for Cam Newton's files at Auburn.
Tuesday morning, the Ohio Supreme Court sided with the right to privacy. Ohio State will not be compelled to release all of the records as demanded by ESPN.
The University has released a statement.
“Ohio State appreciates the clarity given today by the Ohio Supreme Court affirming the university’s interpretation of federal student privacy laws. Our student athletes are treated the same way as all of our 64,000 students, and we take seriously our obligation to protect the confidentiality of all of our students’ education records. At the same time, the university also takes seriously its obligation to provide public information in accordance with Ohio law. The university provided ESPN with thousands of pages of records during the course of our NCAA investigation, and as now affirmed by a unanimous court, it acted responsibly in responding to the many varied and broad public record requests it received.”
There is no word yet if the NCAA will try to vacate this victory in the courts.
- Jeff Seemann