Ohio State announces former Steubenville athlete no longer a student

Ohio State announces former Steubenville athlete no longer a student

Published Jan. 7, 2013 11:33 a.m. ET

By now you are aware of the allegations surrounding the Steubenville High School football team and an alleged rape of a West Virginia underage girl. Last month, the world was made aware of the situation in the small town in Ohio.
One of the students that has been involved in the story is Michael Nodianos, and was videotaped on the night in question, mocking the evening's events.
On Sunday, The Ohio State University issued a statement regarding the situation;

Sexual assault is a terrible act of aggression and violence, and our hearts go out to all victims. The situation in Steubenville is particularly disturbing, and our thoughts are with those affected. To our knowledge, the only students who have been criminally charged in this matter are high school students with no affiliation to Ohio State. To the extent there are inquiries about any Ohio State student, the university is not at liberty to comment due to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations, other than to confirm that the student in question was in attendance at Ohio State only through Dec. 12.

Today, Ohio State has announced the following;


The University is not likely to make any further comment on the situation.
-Jeff Seemann
