Ohio performing well in NFL arrests race

If you've visited Reddit, you know that the site can be a sinkhole for your free time. It's a really amazing community in a lot of ways.
The NFL "sub-reddit" (topic) on Reddit is pretty popular, and one of the discussions there was about the number of players on individual teams that have been arrested.
For fans who are curious, it turns out that there's actually a database of these sort of statistics, maintained by the San Diego Union-Tribune. Using those statistics, Reddit user ChrisTroy (a Texans fan) created a series of charts so that we can, once and for all, determine which team has been the most-arrested since 2000:
Shock of all shocks, it turns out that the answer is the Cincinnati Bengals, in a tie with the Minnesota Vikings.

Snicker not, Browns fans, because see who's at #8 with a bullet… your beloved Cleveland Browns. In the "Days since last arrest" category, the Browns now sit at five days… good for third place behind the Cowboys and Patriots.
Here we go Brownies, here we go! Woof woof!
For fans who want to peruse these and other arrest statistics, such as which position is most likely to get arrested, check out the original post on Reddit.