Odds are out on who is next to go in Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Character Deaths Odds Released
Special to Outkick The Coverage from OddsShark.com
Will the greyscale-afflicted Jorah Mormont be the next character to perish on Game of Thrones? Newly-posted betting lines at sportsbooks monitored by OddsShark.com have Mormont set as the favorite to be the next to die on the show at odds of 4/1. Alliser Thorne is second on the list at 15/2 odds with Jon Snow loyalists out for his blood, with each of Ramsay Bolton, Sansa Stark, and Theon Greyjoy set at 8/1 odds. Podrick Payne and Brienne of Tarth are at 10/1 and 11/1 odds, respectively, and seemingly in some degree of peril along with Stark and Greyjoy as they look to evade Bolton's forces and find some safety up in the north.
And while Daenerys Targaryen has been taken prisoner by the Dothraki, she's at the bottom of the odds list at 75/1 to be the next character to perish, with each of Arya Stark, Tyrion Lannister, and Cersei Lannister at 50/1. Here's a look at the complete Game of Thrones prop:
Which character will perish next?
Jorah Mormont 4/1
Alliser Thorne 15/2
Ramsay Snow 8/1
Sansa Stark 8/1
Theon Greyjoy 8/1
Podrick Payne 10/1
Brienne of Tarth 11/1
Daario Naharis 18/1
Grey Worm 18/1
High Sparrow 18/1
Ellaria Sand 22/1
Jaime Lannister 25/1
Loras Tyrell 25/1
Margaery Tyrell 25/1
Tommen Baratheon 25/1
Drogon 30/1
Lady Melisandre 30/1
Missandei 30/1
Olenna Tyrell 30/1
Lord Varys 33/1
Bronn 40/1
Petyr Baelish 40/1
Arya Stark 50/1
Cersei Lannister 50/1
Davos 50/1
Samwell Tarly 50/1
Tyrion Lannister 50/1
Daenerys Targaryen 75/1
Jaquen H'ghar 75/1
When will Arya Stark regain her sight in Season 6?
Episode 2 10/1
Episode 3 5/1
Episode 4 5/1
Episode 5 3/1
Episode 6 2/1
Episode 7-10 7/4
Who will be the ruling King or Queen of Westeros at the end of the series?
Jon Snow 5/2
Daenerys Targaryen 3/1
Aegon VI Targaryen 6/1
Tyrion Lannister 7/1
Petyr Baelish 15/2
Bran or Rickon Stark 16/1
Margaery Tyrell 18/1
Sansa Stark 20/1
Varys 20/1
Euron Greyjoy 25/1
Night's King 30/1
Stannis Baratheon 33/1
Arya Stark 50/1
Cersei Lannister 50/1
Ramsay Bolton (Snow) 66/1
Hodor 500/1
(Courtesy of Bovada, (www.Bovada.lv, Twitter: @BovadaLV).