NFL adds new post-career training programs

NEW YORK -- NFL players can attend training sessions on culinary management, restaurant franchising, social entrepreneurship and sports communications this offseason.
The league is adding four programs to its offerings to prepare players for their post-football careers. With the longer offseason under the current collective bargaining agreement, there are now 10 such workshops.
Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Brady Quinn and free agent center Jeff Faine helped develop the social entrepreneurship program to be held at their alma mater, Notre Dame. Players will learn to apply market principles to address humanitarian needs.
New York's Institute for Culinary Education will host a workshop on the hospitality and culinary industries. Carolina Panthers owner and longtime restaurant franchisee Jerry Richardson will be the keynote speaker at a "boot camp" on franchising.
The training sessions take place in April and May. Other returning programs cover industries such as broadcasting, music and real estate.