New Browns GM Ray Farmer really likes acronyms

CLEVELAND - You think you're cool texting LOL or NBD to your friends? You've got nothing on the Browns' new general manager.
Ray Farmer called himself "a big acronym guy" at his introductory press conference Tuesday and described a couple he follows.
First is K.T.B., "Know, Trust and Believe."
"One of the bases behind relationships for me is that in order for people to believe you, they've got to know you; then as they know you, they'll trust you; and as they trust you, they'll believe in you," Farmer said describing the principles. "I think that connecting to people is critical in that way."
The second acronym he introduced to Cleveland is GUTF. This "football term" stands for 'Get up the field.' He and his buddies will use it to end text messages.
"It speaks to really getting after it, finishing strong and all the things that I think are tantamount in football. That competitiveness, that passion, all of those things come out in 'Get up the field,'" Farmer said.
Those things make up how he drives himself, he added.
Farmer doesn't yet have an acronym for the loyal Browns fans but he's going to get to work on that.
"That's interesting. I haven't thought about it. I'll give you one. I'll find one, and I'll be sure to report back," he said.
Any ideas Browns fans? A big FTW Farmer's way on draft day would be a good start.