NBA playoffs bandwagon flow chart; Yankees learn Yogi-isms

With the postseason getting under way this weekend, one creative Redditor has put together this "2015 NBA Bandwagon Flow Chart" in case you are still searching for a team to support.
The pain of the SuperSonics leaving Seattle for Oklahoma City is still raw. How raw? Well, according to a report, former Sonics star Shawn Kemp co-hosted a party Thursday to celebrate the Thunder missing the playoffs.
Former WWE superstar CM Punk has a major beef with LA Kings mascot Bailey.
This commercial in which Joe Girardi teaches some Yankees players about "Yogi-isms" would be a lot funnier if the team wasn't awful.
Thursday night's Diamondbacks-Giants game was interrupted by a flying chicken finger that landed on the pitching mound.
The typical photos of players in uniform are out and business casual is in when it comes to the Twins' scoreboard.
Kissing Suzy Kolber has reworked every NFL logo to make them look like rear ends.
An alley-oop to yourself is pretty impressive.
Dunk of the Year?! Yea we think so. Andy Nesbitt breaks it down.
Posted by @TheBuzzer on Thursday, April 16, 2015
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