Mizzou resumes football activities after resignation of Tim Wolfe

Mizzou resumes football activities after resignation of Tim Wolfe

Published Nov. 9, 2015 4:16 p.m. ET

University of Missouri officials say the football team will resume its regular activities following the resignation of the university system president.

Athletics Director Mack Rhoades and head football coach Gary Pinkel said in a joint statement that there will be a news conference later Monday. The team will resume practicing Tuesday, as it typically does.

The announcement came hours after university system President Tim Wolfe said he was stepping down amid criticism over his administration's handling of racial issues.


Black student groups that complained for months about Wolfe's leadership got a big boost over the weekend when 30 black football players said they wouldn't take part in team activities until Wolfe was gone.

Pinkel sent a tweet of support for his protesting players on Sunday.


A group that led the push to oust the University of Missouri System's president says it wants a say in choosing his replacement and wants the percentage of black faculty doubled, among other things.

Members of Concerned Students 1950 said Monday after President Tim Wolfe announced his resignation that they want meet with the university's governing board, the faculty council and Gov. Jay Nixon to discuss their demands in detail.

Among the other desired changes they mentioned is a greater emphasis on shared governance and more inclusivity for minority students. The university's flagship campus in Columbia is overwhelmingly white.

Graduate student Jonathan Butler, who ended a weeklong hunger strike Monday, says it took the administration much too long to react to the complaints.
