Mitt Romney: Sochi Olympics will be safe

NEW YORK (AP) Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney believes the 2014 Sochi Olympics should be safe, despite threats of terrorism in Russia.
''Well there's no such thing as 100 percent security anywhere in the world,'' Romney told The Associated Press on Saturday. ''At the Sochi fields of play there will be very adequate security.''
Romney, chief executive of the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, said that the security for the 2014 games is far more intense. He said that Sochi has 40,000 security personnel, which is about 10 times the security at the Salt Lake City games.
But he said that the presence of security only goes so far.
''Ultimately it's the intelligence work that goes into protecting the venues and games, or the sporting event that has the most impact,'' he said.
Romney made the comments on the red carpet for the NFL Honors, where he praised the event that includes seven AP sports awards.
''I think it's terrific that athletes are recognized, not just on the field, but recognized off the field for some of their heroics,'' Romney said. ''These guys make a hug sacrifice to reach this level of performance, so I think that people that watch this with a great deal of interest.''
As for losing the 2012 election to President Barrack Obama, Romney said life was definitely easier outside the campaign trail, but added: ''I sure wish I would have won with all being said.''
''I think you want to be able to make the difference that you ran for office to accomplish,'' he said. ''I'm happy to have had the opportunity to run, and we'll wish the best to the president and those that are now leading the country.''
Before going into Radio City Music Hall, he expressed what he thought of Obama's State of the Union address earlier this week.
''Ah, good parts and bad,'' he said, as he and wife Ann glided toward the entrance.
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