Michele Bachmann Compares Herself to Tim Tebow in Iowa Political Ad

As the Iowa caucus nears, candidates in last place throw up political hail mary's.
This is the only possible explanation for Michele Bachmann's attempt to compare herself to Tim Tebow.
There are all sorts of issues raised by this political action committee ad -- first among them is this question, is Tebow actually endorsing Bachmann? Because if he isn't then she's appropriating Tebow's name for her own purposes. Something we tend to think -- based on the cease and desist letter we received from his lawyer back in August -- makes Tebow very upset. The only thing worse than comparing yourself to Tim Tebow? Having to pull down the ad when Tebow complains about the association.
Which will probably end up happening to Bachmann.
Since Rick Perry already tried to be the Tebow of the race, the question remains, who will Tebow support?
And will anyone want Tebow's support if he loses four straight to end the season?
Isn't Bachmann basically forecasting losses in all the early primaries based on this comparison?