Manziel's stats vs Winston's, adjusted for playing time

Manziel's stats vs Winston's, adjusted for playing time

Published Nov. 19, 2013 12:00 a.m. ET

By Matt Knipe

Most of my family grew up in Florida and are huge Florida State fans (despite only my dad attending the university). I grew up loving Florida State before becoming an Aggie. I've been rooting for the Noles this year, but I believe that hands down Johnny deserves the Heisman again.

Any time I get into that argument with family and friends, who are FSU fans, they say that Manziel's stats only appear to be better because he's had so much more playing time. I know FSU has dominated the majority of their opponents and Winston has sat out his fair share of quarters, but I thought their amount of playing time was closer than they thought. Nonetheless, this was an interesting point and I decided it was worth looking into.

There are many ways to look at this. You could compare the overall stats by each quarterback to time of possession, number of drives, number of quarters played, etc. But due to the diferring styles of offenses, I figured the best approach would be to go by number of quarters played. So I dove into the play-by-plays for each game to determine exactly when each quarterback left the game and turned the ball over to their respective backup. I rounded each quarter to the nearest tenth and here are the results:


Quarters Played by Johnny "Football" Manziel:

           Total - 31.9

Quarters Played by "Famous" Jameis Winston:

           Total - 29.5

Now I wanted to attempt to "normalize" the overall stats for each Heisman contender with this information. Below are the actual overall stats:

Johnny Manziel

Jameis Winston

In an attempt to make these stats more fair and less inflated in favor of the player with more playing time, I took the following approach:

Below are the "normalized" overall stats for each player with this approach:

Johnny Manziel

Jameis Winston

Although the difference between these numbers isn't quite as drastic as the actual stats, there is still a significant difference in how much better Johnny's stats are than Winston's. This should help put the argument to rest that Johnny's stats only appear to be better due to more playing time. Unfortunately, if any of your annoying Baylor friends try to make this argument, you'll just have to point out they still play in the Big 12.
