Mail-it-in Friday: The environmentally 'friendly' edition

By Sid Saraf, We’re back! Welcome to Volume XV of Mail-it-in Friday and I couldn’t be more fired up here. The NFL season is grinding and you readers are bringing your strong opinion. Today, we’ll cover Brandon Marshall's shoes, flip celebrations and some upset Prius people. So, there’s not time to waste. Remember, if you want your email featured here, fire off your missive to OK, let’s get to work!HELL HATH NO FURY … … like a scorned Prius owner apparently. I wrote a post detailing linebacker Connor Barwin’s preference for traveling by bike or public transportation. I made one little joke about the Prius – because Barwin drove one -- and got inundated with emails. Sigh, here we go. Brian wrote, Hey Sid Saaf,Re the Connor Barwin story, you’re an idiot. Sid “Saaf?” OK, that was an effective email. You deliberately misspelled my name, which has always been a pet peeve. Not gonna lie, I’m annoyed right now. Karl wrote,“I’m sorry, but I’m deducting several admiration points for that. For obvious reasons. And if you’re unable to figure out those reasons, you’re part of the problem.”Is it because he owned a Japanese car? Well, no. They bother me because they’re death traps. I can never hear them driving down the street and I’ve have several near-misses over the years. But the fact that it’s Japanese has nothing to do with. ALTHOUGH, I only drive American cars.
Ken wrote,"So much so that he forgoes driving around in gas-guzzling automobiles (like I do....")Hey, Sid Saraf, the story is about Connor Barwin, not YOU! Nobody gives a **** what you do. Clearly! You don't care at all! Thanks for the email ... shows you care. Lorna wrote,You people writ anything for a dollar. Several dollars, actually. Joshua wrote,Kudos to Sid. Saraf for being smart enough to call out Prius Drivers in the article on Conner Barwin. When will everyone realize that saving money at the pump & emissions doesn’t really matter when the carbon footprint to make the batteries in those cars offsets any reduced emission x10. wake up America Really? Wow, no idea if that’s true, but if it is … I’m blown away.

FAMOUS FOOTWEAR Bears wide receiver Brandon Marshall brought attention to Mental Health Awareness Week when he wore green cleats during a in Week 6. Of, course he drew the expected fine and matched that with a donation to charity. Jana wrote,As a sibling of a person who suffered from mental illness & the daughter of a mother who was very active in our local AMI (Alliance for the Mentally Ill) as well as some state & national level as well, I would just like to ask that the league donate or match the penalty & donate it to the study for a cure- just like breast cancer. Mother is now 87, breast cancer survivor & now has dementia. I bet mental illness- in ALL it's aspects- affects more families in terms of numbers than breast cancer... Just sayin... Great call on one of your points. The NFL should absolutely match the fine. Now whether they will is up in the air (probably not), but I think it would show a lot of class. Brandon Marshall is trying to support a noble cause and that’s commendable. But as far, as comparing the fight for mental health and breast cancer … pump your brakes, OK?

Linda wrote,There are more people out in the world with mental disorders than there are with breast cancer, why let the players wear pink and not let him support his group, the NFL is getting very out rageous with supporting one and not the other Why does everything always come down to a numbers game? Even if there are more people with mental disorders than breast cancer, that doesn’t mean breast cancer isn’t important. I need to send the previous two emails to Roger Goodell so he can see the trouble he’s causing. John wrote,Mr. Marshall would not have a platform if it wasn't for football. This is a TEAM sport and a TEAM league, not an individual one. Rules, be it uniform or otherwise, are in place for a reason. Mr. Marshall or anyone else for that matter should be made to sit out the game by management and the league and not be allowed to play until he adheres to these rules. Obviously fines don't work. Sitting his platform on the bench should. Dude, you’re coming on real strong. Maybe put the coffee down before firing off an email.

Matthew wrote,Brandon’s not mental, the NFL is! YEAH! Wait … what? FLIPPING OUT, MAN Steelers receiver Emmanuel Sanders somersaulted into the end zone during the team’s Week 6 game. Head coach Mike Tomlin wasn’t amused and sent out an edict that said all somersaulting is now banned. Stacy wrote,With regards to the somersaulting into the end zone I would have to agree with Coach Tomlin. As a matter of fact I can't stand any of the dancing, flipping or whatever ridculous antic's today's players are doing not only when they score but when they catch a pass, get a first down, make an interception, etc. They are professional footfall players it is their job to get first downs, score touchdown's, make interception that is what they are paid alot of money to do; they need to do their job and be done with it!!! Million's of people do their jobs everyday and are not paid nearly as much as professional football player's, and we manage to do it without doing flips down the halls. So, let me get this straight: You don’t like this?

Or this?

But … what about this?
Actually, that last one is disturbing. Stacy, you might have a point. Michael wrote,These are supposed to be grown men. Like Lou Holtz used to tell his players, “When you get into the end zone, act like you’ve been there before.” If Lou Holtz told you jump off a bridge, would you? Oh, god, I’ve officially turned into my Dad. Jimmy wrote,It was a pretty piss poor somersault to begin with. He landed right on his back. You could tell he was second guessing his actions as he was getting up and going back to the huddle. An injury would impact the whole team not just him. If you think that players should have the right to act like an ass at anytime, then let them. If they hurt themselves in the process, I'd pull their money. I wouldn't pay them if they couldn't play for doing something stupid.My two cents! Agreed, the execution of the somersault left something to be desired:

Imagine if he had landed in a pool. That’s stinger city right there. His back would be red for a week. Doug wrote,I think all the extra dancing, flipping or whatever should be a 15 yard penalty - no exceptions. “Or whatever?” I don’t like the amount of leeway you’ve left there. Patrick wrote,Call Kevin Bacon? You’re an idiot and I don’t have to go any further than that Really? I thought the KB reference was pretty clever. I’ve always wanted to make a Footloose reference. RANDOM MUSINGSPete wrote,Where does the money from NFL fines go to? I imagine it’s funneled into a secret slush fund that keeps the SAG Awards on television every year. Terri wrote,IT’S MILLER TIME AGAIN!!!!! I am so excited my #58 jersey is coming out again and will be proudly worn for the COLTSJ!!!!! GO BRONCOS welcome back VON, get me a quarterbackJ!!!! The guy hasn’t played a snap since the preseason, so I’d temper by expectations just a little bit. But with Colts receivers being hit the dropped-pass bug as of late, the Broncos D will probably have a chance to snag some turnovers. Enjoy the game! Karl wrote,I guess the same morons that run this country must be silent partners in the NFL administration!!!!! Ooooooh, burn!

Bill wrote,The Giants, Redskins,Ravens,Patriots,and 49ers all have quarterbacks who can take the blame for losses.These are great lightning rods for the other team members.When things into the bucket they can let the cameras move toward the locker and mikes.It seems rather unusual defensive backs,defensive linemen,offensive linemen,assistant coaches,and receivers get off scot free when something terrible happens. Perhaps it’s because the announcers refuse to listen to older coaches and interview the men who caused the defeat.The other night one team ran to the left fifty five times.How could this happen? Someone on the defense was hurt or just stupid and the assistant coaches had no replacements.One night I watched a receiver short hand a possible reception. Two ideas come to mind.First, he’s not interested in meeting the free safety again. Second,he’s taking a dive for a very large reward from a bookie.Why in the world do you have a fantasy league? This is a team sport,not a racetrack.There are wins,no place, show or trifectas.Pretending you are a owner or general manager may improve your ego,but with the salary cap,the union restrictions on practice,the changing rules and above all the weather,you cannot pretend you know more than someone else.How often do the Pats win a league championship when there’s no snow? Remember the reading comprehension section of the SAT? Imagine you had to read the above … would you get a single question correct? BUT, in this mailbag, long and rambling emails are reward. Bill, my friend, you have just clinched the latest Golf Clap of the Week Award!
Tom wrote (about Vince Young),Why not give Vince a chance? The Texans owner has a chance to right a wrong committed 8 years ago when Vince should have been drafted by the Texans. Now is the time to give Vince a chance. Vince can show he still has the talent and ability to win games and turn this season around....or he can show he doesn't. At this point the owner and the Texans have nothing to lose, but everything to gain. Houston deserves a chance to see Vince in a Texans uniform no matter the outcome. No matter the outcome? Listen, the Texans are trying to win games and run a franchise here. Everyone is so eager to spend someone else’s money. Ridiculous. Speaking of money, I’m going to go spend some of my own. See you next time?