Mail-it-in Friday: No sympathy for Aaron Hernandez

By Sid Saraf, Greetings and welcome to Volume VII of Mail-it-in Friday! So, anything big happen this week? Some story that captured the attention of the nation? Maybe an arrest of some sort, hmmm? Yes, the Aaron Hernandez arrest and murder charge are a big topic. We’ll deal with that and few other items as we inch closer and closer to the opening of training camps. Remember, if you want your email featured here, fire off a message to OK, let’s get to work!Armando wrote,Hi. Aaron Hernandez, a young guy who had everything going his way, but who did not value any of it. A few months back he (Ed’s. note: allegedly) shot someone who lost an eye as a consequence of his acts. Now he is been accused of murdering a young man, and they would not have made the charges unless they have proof. Sure, he has not been convicted yet, but chances are he will be. What a shame that he did not value all the blessings he was enjoying, and he seems to believe that his money can get him out of this one. the only positive out of this is that it may prevent someone else in similar circumstances from being so incredibly stupid. Hello. Many thoughts have run through my head about Aaron Hernandez over the last few days and I’ve been trying to come up with a cogent viewpoint. However, the one prominent thought that sticks in my head is this: I don’t care about Hernandez. I don’t like wasting my time devoting brain power to idiots. And from everything I’ve read about Hernandez as of late, all signs point to him being a Class-A dunce. A mental midget. A wannabe. I don’t ask much from professional athletes. I watch sports because I love the game and I like to party. Sports provide both. All I ask is for players to show up on game day and you know, PLAY. I don’t want you to help raise my future kids or make political statements. I have no interest in what you do off the field. Popping some bubb in the club? Couldn’t care less. You’re pulling down major endorsements? I don’t watch commercials. Oh, you have eight kids with nine different women? Doesn’t interest me. Just don’t hurt people. Simple. Aaron Hernandez allegedly couldn’t handle that. It apparently wasn’t enough to just show up for work and go home. And for that, I wash my hands of the situation. HERREN SCHOOLS NFL ROOKIES My colleague Ross Jones interviewed Chris Herren, a former NBA player whose career was ruined by addiction. Herren now gives speeches to incoming NFL rookies, hoping to educate the youngsters on the dangers of being a professional athletes. Gary wrote,to Ross Jones...your Chris Herren/ Rookie Symposium article is a public service worth its weight in gold.Great. Powerful. To the point.Thank you.Respectfully,Gary Thanks, Gary. You’ve just caused a real problem. Ross already thinks he’s better than me at everything and now you’ve gone and caused his head to grow even bigger. Sigh, I’ll pass along your compliments. Ross will be so thrilled (even though he not better than me … he’s not!! Aaaugh!!) OBLIGATORY TEBOWRonald wrote,Tebow would make a great tight end! Dude, I totally agree! With all the attrition the Patriots have suffered at the position, who is to say that he can’t step in and contribute? The guy wants to get on the field. I think this is Tim’s shot. Learn fast and be a starter! Lincoln wrote,Hip, Hip, Hooray for Tebow! In their face Patriot! I hope the New York Jinks will be taught a lesson this season, and their mean coach be sent off packing. This year I will be rooting for the Patriots!Way to go patriots! Oh, shut up, Tebow honk! I’m not in the mood for you today. Be gone! Be gone!
Eric wrote,Tim Tebow is not a tight end. Sigh, you’re right. Man, I was almost convinced. A LITTLE MANTI BUSINESSBrad wrote,Seems to me that Manti and his teammates are mature professionals as opposed to the dirt diggers in the sports media that keep bringing up this infortunate story? Maybe the people in the sports media could learn a lesson or two from the Chargers players? We in the sports media COULD learn a lesson or two. But I can guarantee you we won’t. It’s still too much fun to dog on Manti. This is purely because we are bitter people with boring lives who will truly never be as successful as the young Chargers rookie. But this is all we have. Can you let us have this one thing or are you determined to stamp out the only thing that makes us smile? TIME TO COWBOY UPNate wrote,The Cowboys seem to be circling the drain. Not the win less than 6 games a year drain that the Browns and the Jags seem to be circling. A far worse one called, “mediocrity.” The Cowboys seem to hit right around the 8-8 mark each year. That means they aren’t good enough to go to the playoffs but they are too good to get a major upgrade in the draft. Is it time to pull the plug and start over? Or do Cowboy fans have a whole lot of Tony Romo heartbreaker years to look forward to? Dude, it’s still June. Training camps are still a few weeks away from opening. How about you wait until at least the preseason before you start waving your white flag? I swear, the French put up more of a fight in World War II than you are showing right now. A little faith, please! Head coach Jason Garrett has a good shot of finding his groove … after several years at the job. New defensive coordinator Monte Kiffin should bring an added dimension … after being torched for three seasons at USC. You know what? You’re right. The Cowboys are a disaster. It’s time to blow it up!
RANDOM STUFFNick wrote,What's your favorite sammich to enjoy whilst watching NFL Pregame shows? I enjoy a foot-long egg salad on white with extra onions and paprika. Go Bucs! That sounds … disgusting. Dude, why not add some sardines and go all the way with your bad-breath extravaganza? Do you have olive juice you can add? Maybe eat that while drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette while you’re at it. I like to keep it simple while watching Terry, Howie and the gang on Sundays. Maybe a little Turkey and Cheese. Oooh, a cheesesteak perhaps. That’s good eating right there. I love me a good sammich. It’s the perfect food. I feel possessive about them. This about sums me up:
Don wrote,How about signing Collin Klein? Because I presume you want to win games, I wouldn't suggest it. Kedar wrote,There is usually very little correlation between the teams analysts pick at the beginning of the season and those that end up in the Superbowl. With all the hype that Seattle is getting, and with Seattle bolstering its roster with several big and small free-agent signings during the offseason, there seems a possibility, or even a probability, that they end up like the 'dream team' of the Eagles! Nobody even acknowledges that possibility on or the NFL Network though! So, you’re saying that predictions are often wrong? You don’t say! In fact, I know a guy who picks the Cowboys to win the Super Bowl every year. And every year they don’t win it. In fact, they usually don’t even make the playoffs. Trust me, Kedar … none of us can REALLY predict the future. If we could, we’d be in Vegas instead of penning mailbags that not many people read. I guess that’s why they play the games! See you in September. And on that note, let’s wrap this week’s mailbag. Check in next week as I’m sure we’ll have ever more Aaron Hernandez stupidity developments to discuss. Again, if you want your email answered here, send a message to