Mail-it-in Friday: Did the Cowboys get a bargain with Dez Bryant?

The NFL is on the verge of taking over America.
The league already has a virtual monopoly on the sports calendar during the fall and winter months, but a delicious rumor sparked by former NFL head coach Jim Fassel brings up a delicious question as we plunge into another edition of Mail-it-in Friday:
Will the NFL start a spring league? And if so, is that a smart move? We will tackle this question in earnest, but first, we deal the little issue of Dez Bryant's new contract with the Dallas Cowboys.
OK, let's get to work!
Dezzie B got his money from Big D on Wednesday to the tune of a five-year, $70 million contract. Now, nobody is going to argue that $70 million ISN'T a lot of money. But considering Calvin Johnson is currently working on a seven-year, $113M deal with the Lions, did the Cowboys get themselves a discount with their supremely talented wideout?
@RealSidSaraf I think they did. @NFLonFOX
— SeaMarshMetros (@SeaMarshMetros) July 16, 2015
I agree with you. Considering Bryant is three years younger than Megatron -- not knocking Megatron, by the way -- Jerry Jones and Co. got themselves quite the bargain with one of the top receivers in the game. It seems they won this game of contract chicken.
@RealSidSaraf @NFLonFOX either that or Denver got ripped off giving Thomas the same amount.
— D England (@EpitomeofSooner) July 16, 2015
Kind of funny how Demaryius Thomas' deal suddenly got done shortly after the Dez news broke, huh? I'm not going to say it's collusion or anything, but maybe the NFLPA isn't just barking for no reason.
@RealSidSaraf @NFLonFOX I believe he gave a hometown discount #FoxMailbag
— BudLightNinja (@t3xas_mad3_an0n) July 16, 2015
I'm against all hometown discounts. And that also goes for people who aren't professional athletes. You don't owe your employer a thing and vice versa.
Believe me, the second you can't perform up to whatever level deemed necessary, you'll get cut loose and people will forget your name five minutes later. And you'll get the "nothing personal, it's just business" line to boot.
Get paid as much as possible for your hard work. If you don't look out for yourself, nobody else will.
@RealSidSaraf @NFLonFOX Good luck controlling him after all that guaranteed money.
— Mike Parker (@MJP1313) July 16, 2015
Good luck controlling anyone after giving them $70 million. Dez is no different. And quite frankly, I've been impressed with how he's conducted himself this offseason.
He took a stand for what he believed was right and he STILL made it a point to show his face at Cowboys' minicamp, despite not being under contract. That's the sign of a team player.
I know I would be a tough person to control if you gave me millions of dollars. Have you seen "Half Baked"? I would pull this Scarface move on most of the people in my life (WARNING: VERY EXPLICIT AND RIGHTEOUS LANGUAGE):
It probably wouldn't even take millions. Give me $500K and I'll go out like a G.
Anyway, moving on!
Will the NFL start up a Spring League? And if so, is it a smart idea? Would people even watch football during that time of year?
Your responses were very telling. I would have thought that people would view spring football as too much of a good thing, but ...
I was wrong:
I would watch
— Oswaldo Quinones (@WaldoQuinones88) July 15, 2015
@RealSidSaraf @NFLonFOX I'd watch
— Julio Debarr (@tellyouwhatttt) July 15, 2015
@RealSidSaraf @NFLonFOX I would watch
— الملك كونتا (@indigodashsoul) July 15, 2015
@RealSidSaraf @NFLonFOX yes! This would be awesome!
— Zac ✭ (@Zgrinn81) July 15, 2015
@RealSidSaraf @NFLonFOX I would watch anything football rn
— Andrew Lifka (@the_lifka) July 15, 2015
@RealSidSaraf @NFLonFOX definitely
— David T (@JayhawkingChief) July 15, 2015
@RealSidSaraf @NFLonFOX I'm desperate for football. Yes please
— Ryan Kalsh (@ryanscryin) July 15, 2015
@RealSidSaraf @NFLonFOX You have my vote ??
— EL SOL ALEGRE (@eldoctor60) July 15, 2015
@RealSidSaraf @NFLonFOX I am so desperate for football right now..I'd watch
— Sean Birdsall (@seanpizzle99) July 15, 2015
football all the time? ?
— Maddi Borison (@maddi_bee) July 15, 2015
very smart. it's been a long time coming.
— Mike (@giantsinone) July 15, 2015
There were even people who didn't like the idea, but would still watch.
@RealSidSaraf @NFLonFOX Awful idea but I'd probably watch it anyway.
— Peter Carangelo (@PeterCarangelo) July 15, 2015
Of course, it wouldn't be Twitter if a few haters didn't show up:
@RealSidSaraf @NFLonFOX Awful idea!! We have enough football for the year already......too much and it will get boring.
— Mike Van Vreede (@punchthecore) July 15, 2015
@RealSidSaraf @NFLonFOX Hell Naw! AFL like NFL Spring League already!
— Joseph G (@Team_112) July 15, 2015
@RealSidSaraf Spring league when already the preseason (which means nothing) is to long? I'll pass. #FoxMailbag
— Brian Cook (@SoccerwithBrian) July 15, 2015
@NFLonFOX @RealSidSaraf stupid move
— Jeffery Berkovich (@deactivatefam) July 16, 2015
@NFLonFOX @RealSidSaraf very dumb
— Jeffery Berkovich (@deactivatefam) July 16, 2015
@NFLonFOX @RealSidSaraf makes no sense
— Jeffery Berkovich (@deactivatefam) July 16, 2015
Now, let's go into a bit more detail.
@RealSidSaraf @NFLonFOX are they gonna be farm teams like the MLB ?
— James Kline (@jwkline2980) July 15, 2015
Sort of. I imagine any spring league the NFL starts will be viewed as developmental. With the current CBA, teams are very much restricted when it comes to practice time, so a lot of young, but talented players don't get the individual instruction they need to take the next step.
However, with a developmental league, NFL teams have the option of holding on to prospects they would normally have to jettison due to roster limits. And veterans trying for another shot could have a place to showcase their talents.
It's about time something like this happens.
@NFLonFOX @RealSidSaraf We have to have more football. Just something marginally good to hold me over. #footballfiend
— Michael Johnson (@419addy) July 16, 2015
Here's a man after my own heart. A man so desperate for football that he'll take even a subpar product.
I respect that. After all, I found myself watching the CFL the other day. I would have left it on for the entire game had my wife not stopped me. She's a good person.
. @RealSidSaraf Would that eliminate the need for preseason games in August? #FoxMailbag
— Chris Downey (@cjdowney92) July 16, 2015
That's cute. The NFL, if nothing else, has proven its love of money over the years. If there are dollars to be made out of preseason games -- and there are -- they're not going anywhere.
And really, is there anything wrong with more money? It's the American Dream!
@RealSidSaraf @NFLonFOX nfl 7on 7would be cool, and it would sell to the hardcore fan player it would mirror what all other football is doin
— Coach McTrainer (@RobbEJonze) July 15, 2015
Dude ... 7 on 7? Get that weak sauce out of here. It's 11 on 11 or nothing!
@RealSidSaraf @NFLonFOX who would be playing in this spring leaugue? Undrafted players? I'd watch it, baseball is unwatchable.
— shawn patterson (@ou_spatt) July 15, 2015
Baseball is not unwatchable. However ... it's probably the worst sport to watch while in the gym.
For anyone who has suffered to pass the time while on a treadmill, stairmaster or elliptical, what's on the TV in front of you is very important. You need something fast-paced to keep your spirits up and get you through that workout. Sports are the perfect thing.
Basketball is great for that. Football works, too. I'll even go with tennis. Baseball? Noooooo ... watching Madison Bumgarner gum up a game with his deliberately slow delivery has me like:

By the way, that's an exact impression of Sid Saraf on an elliptical. Not a pretty sight, folks.
I'm such a degen. I would be in 5 spring fantasy leagues. #FoxMailbag!
— TD (@Thereal_TimmyD) July 15, 2015

Now, I REALLY want to see this happen. I was lukewarm on the idea before, but now I'm determined to play fantasy football two times a year.
No, thanks. Mr. Trump is a lot of things, but a competent football mind, he isn't. He also hasn't been great at other things lately, but I won't mention that ...
Dumb... History shows this doesn't work... Ask Donald Trump
— Craig McDonald (@catchinyellows) July 15, 2015
No doubt. I've been keeping an eye on the NBA Summer League as well. And the Lakers still suck. It's going to be long slog for my boys to get back to championship caliber.
@RealSidSaraf @NFLonFOX I watch NBA Summer League so i'd watch this.
— Griffin Rucker (@RuckerGriffin) July 15, 2015
Screech Diddy,
Alrighty, I think we've had enough fun. I'm on vacation next week, and while I'm sure you won't miss me, I will miss all of you.
@RealSidSaraf #FOXMailbag
— Screech Diddy (@ScreechDiddy) July 15, 2015