Local teams take part in Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS

The "Ice Bucket Challenge" for ALS has been picking up steam for weeks now.
According to TIME Magazine, the Ice Bucket Challenge has raised "$5.5 million dollars for Lou Gehrig's disease since July 29th, compared to $32,000 in the same period last year."
It started picking up steam on the east coast, with teams such as the Boston College Eagles, Boston Bruins and the New England Patriots.
It spread to the west coast last week, when USC athletic director Pat Haden and head coach Steve Sarkisian joined in on the fun.
And now it has gone viral. We've compiled some of our favorites from our Los Angeles teams and athletes.
Check them out below.
#ALSIceBucketChallenge completed! @trevorlewis22 @amartinez_27 @dewyy8 you guys are up next!! pic.twitter.com/6z5IExQUk1
— Anze Kopitar (@AnzeKopitar) August 14, 2014
Ryan ice bucket challenge to his buddy Kyle who has ALS @RyanVanAsten @HockeyHallFame @NHL @lakingspr pic.twitter.com/vpDH3ncVun
— Philip Pritchard (@keeperofthecup) August 15, 2014
Post practice recovery & ALS ice bucket challenge with @UCLAFootball 's good friend @DominicCumo http://t.co/4Q7UpQ0hgM
— Sal Alosi (@Coach_Alosi) August 9, 2014
You've seen our players & Wild Wing do it. Now it's our turn. The #NHLDucks staff preps for the #IceBucketChallenge pic.twitter.com/zRJP1s8CXN
— Anaheim Ducks (@AnaheimDucks) August 14, 2014
Thanks for the ALS #IceBucketChallenge @PredsNHL! Hey @LAKings - you're on the clock: http://t.co/PsLYQIvVWb pic.twitter.com/byABummZP7
— Anaheim Ducks (@AnaheimDucks) August 15, 2014
I took the #Chillin4Charity challenge and I'm calling out @CoachSark to do it next. #FightOn http://t.co/uGibJJ0pbz
— Pat Haden (@ADHadenUSC) August 9, 2014
I took the ice bucket challenge and now I'm calling out @PeteCarroll and the @Seahawks. #FightOn #Chillin4Charity http://t.co/k9TNQoECkU
— Steve Sarkisian (@CoachSark) August 10, 2014
Post by Bailey LA Kings.
Darryl Sutter does the ALS ice buckett challenge in Viking Alberta @HockeyHallFame @NHL @lakingspr pic.twitter.com/5a5qmyLZ4D
— Philip Pritchard (@keeperofthecup) August 16, 2014
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge...in honor of Dominic, Coach Door, Mike L. Challenge to @TroyAikman @itheeayb @_xra1 http://t.co/zkzVy8WMEu
— Jim Mora (@UCLACoachMora) August 18, 2014
Post by Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim.