Larry David as Bernie Sanders in Bern Your Enthusiasm
Feb. 7, 2016 11:39 a.m. ET


For those of you, like me, who consider "Curb Your Enthusiasm" to be one of the funniest television shows ever made, it has been nearly five years since a new season aired.
So when Larry David does a version of the show, even if it's just for five minutes, we're going to post it on Outkick. Here you go:
Since Curb seasons are typically built around one season long conceit -- taking in Katrina refugee families, starring in a Broadway play, the Seinfeld reunion -- how about Larry decides he should fulfill a lifelong dream and be a sportscaster? He can film it right in LA at Fox Sports studios. We could have lots of athlete cameos, diastrous on air shenanigans, it's a no brainer.
So how about it, LD?
Sounds pretty, pretty good to me.