Jorge Posada and Hall of Fame hot takes

Jorge Posada and Hall of Fame hot takes

Published May. 14, 2015 12:35 p.m. ET

Jorge Posada's name is making the rounds in the media the past couple of days. Posada has written a memoir, Against All Odds, or something like that. Does anyone not consider themselves an underdog these days?

Here's the quote via his CBS "This Morning" interview that, for some reason, has everyone talking:

"I don't think it's fair, I really don't. I think the guys that need to be in the Hall of Fame need to be a player that played with no controversy."

The quote was directed at former teammates Alex Rodriguez and Roger Clemens. Admitted HGH user Andy Pettitte? Curiously, no mention.


The comments feel disingenuous and are designed strictly as a way to create buzz for his book. This is no hot take -- Rodriguez and Clemens and not going to the Hall of Fame. The media members who vote on the Hall have spoken on these matters. Piling on your former teammates in a debate that has already been settled is unnecessary.

From what we have seen in an excerpt that was released and the comments made by Jorge thus far, we can conclude a few things.

    Publishers who invest in your autobiography will push you to write and then ultimately say things that will create interest in your book. When you've earned more than $100 million in your career, it's probably better to just say no.

    I played against and with Posada a decent amount over my career. He was a good player and a good teammate. Nothing was gained here. Yankees fans want to remember him as a good Yankee who was a critical part of their great run. But all careers come to an end and there's just not much value in throwing daggers at coaches and teammates who invested in your career and contributed to those great years.
