Johnny Manziel's Memorial Day Weekend Was Better Than Yours

Johnny Manziel's Memorial Day Weekend Was Better Than Yours

Published May. 27, 2014 10:09 a.m. ET

I hope your Memorial Day went well. Hope you and the wife or girlfriend had a nice cookout, hope those fireworks were awesome, and I also hope that when your kids had to go to the bathroom you made it on time. 

I hope it was awesome. 

No matter what you were doing, odds are your Memorial Day weekend wasn't as fun as Johnny Manziel's. He spent the weekend in Las Vegas partying with girls in bikinis and Rob Gronkowski. It's a rough life.


The most entertaining part of my long weekend -- I took off three days to spend time with the wife and kids here in Sandestin -- was the Tweets from you guys wanting to know if I was still alive because I wasn't writing about Johnny and Rob Gronkowski in Vegas. Yes, I'm still alive. And now you can start your week off with pictures of Johnny having a better time than you did.

Including with Elika Sadeghi, who Tweeted out a picture of the two of them partying at Daylight at Mandalay Bay, as I sat down on the couch watching the Pacers vs. Heat solo.

Later, Johnny responded to the critics who claimed he was spending too much time partying and not enough studying.

"Guess it's impossible to enjoy the weekend and study?" Manziel said. Game. Set. Match.    


