John Lynch not sure Cowboys have DTs for Tampa-2

Former Tampa Bay Buccaneers safety John Lynch joined Jimmy Johnson, Troy Aikman and Randy Moss for a Wednesday conference call to kickoff the 2013 NFL season on FOX.
I asked the four analysts how they think the Cowboys look entering a new season.
Here's Lynch's response:
"I know the success has been there in the preseason, I think something to look for, having been a part of a team when Monte [Kiffin] first came in is that defense is very precise. It's very much predicated on everybody having a specific role and trusting everybody around them, when they talk about that one-gap system.
"Sometimes that process takes a little while to learn, to trust your teammates, that ‘I don't need to make that play. That's his job.' I just know there was a transition and there's some time that goes because you can only learn through trial and error and learning to trust the system. I think that's going to be interesting to watch. It looks like in the preseason it's worked well, they're playing to their strengths.
"I also know that any time that system has been great on defense, it's included a guy like Warren Sapp up in the middle of that defense that just wrecks things. And I'm not so sure they have that."
In 2003, Kiffin helped guide Lynch and the Tampa Bay defense to a Super Bowl victory over the Oakland Raiders.
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