Joel Embiid sends flurry of hilarious Tweets after LeBron's announcement

The biggest winner in the LeBron James sweepstakes -- after the Cavaliers and the people of Ohio -- is anyone who follows Sixers rookie Joel Embiid on Twitter.
As The Buzzer told you last week, the seven-footer out of Kansas, who was drafted third overall last month, was recruiting LeBron via Twitter.
Here's a refresher:
@KingJames hey bro hope you're having a good day...... Want to join us in philly?? Peace
— Joel-Hans Embiid (@JoelEmbiid) July 1, 2014
I hope i'm not gonna get fined already with those Lebron's tweets is it legal to recruit over twitter @NBA ?
— Joel-Hans Embiid (@JoelEmbiid) July 3, 2014
With James making his decision to shun Philly and return to Cleveland on Friday, Embiid couldn't help but share his dismay while firing off many other gems, which included a shot at rapper, Drake.
Where are you going next? @Drake
— Joel-Hans Embiid (@JoelEmbiid) July 11, 2014
At least the SIXERS finished second in the pursuit of the dude.... still have better recruiting skills than kentuckys coach #EMB11D
— Joel-Hans Embiid (@JoelEmbiid) July 11, 2014